I 'm sure this will come as no surprise...
95% of youth ages 13-17 report using social media -
1/3 of them say they use social media almost constantly (source).
3+ hours per day spent on social media can
cause 2x the risk for mental health issues (source).
... and as a parent of a teen, you're worried.
What if your teenager is exposed to inappropriate content, cyberbullying, or online harassment?
Is your teen sacrificing grades, extracurricular activities, or family time for social media?
Are you seeing your teen compare themselves to what they see online, causing feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem, and anxiety?
Will your teen’s social media and digital footprint impact their educational or professional opportunities in the future?

These are all valid questions, and I am here to help you talk about social media with your teen so you can set healthy boundaries together.

Going to a restaurant or sitting down for family dinner and having a real conversation with your teen (instead of them being on their phone the whole time).
Your teen feeling comfortable coming to you if they witness or experience any unwanted attention or bullying online.
Choosing social media boundaries with your teen that they understand and keep.
One of the hottest topics in today’s parenting landscape is social media. Our kids, unlike us, have grown up with it, and how we parent regarding social media is relatively new territory, but I CAN HELP!

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Parent Coach,
and founder of Illuminate Your Connection
I’ve spent 11+ years serving teenagers, children, and parents as a therapist.
My greatest passion is working with parents and teens to close the gap in their relationships and build lifelong connections. I struggled to feel love and connection with my parents when I was a teen, and I know we all faced our own difficulties during that time of our lives. Illuminate Your Connection was founded to help parents who desire a better relationship with their teenagers and seek effective and practical strategies to foster connection. If you want to become your teen’s trusted guide and hero, you’re in the right place.
Keep reading to find out how I can help you navigate social media with your teen.
I've spent thousands of hours working with teens and parents on social media use and boundaries in the therapy room, and I want to give you all of the best practices to discuss this with your teen successfully.


The Parent's Handbook on
Discussing Social Media with Your Teen
Proven strategies to initiate meaningful conversations about social media with your teenager.
Practical techniques to set limits and establish healthy boundaries for social media usage.
Guidance to boost your teenager's critical thinking skills, self-esteem, and confidence in navigating the online world.
Empower your teen to make conscious and thoughtful decisions on social media.
SOCIAL MEDIA & YOUR TEEN is a comprehensive mini-course explicitly designed to equip parents like you with the knowledge and practical tools necessary to have productive and connected conversations with your teen around social media use and boundaries.
What's included in
60 minutes of on-demand video training + PowerPoint presentation
Specific connecting questions to ask your teenager regarding their social media use
Examples of setting limits with phone use to increase family connection
Comprehensive list of monitoring apps to promote healthy social media habits
15+ tailored prompts and scripts to guide parents in discussing social media usage
Thorough outlines and sample tech plan to address the dangers of social media
and collaborating setting limits on usage
$54 $17
Real Parent Success Stories

Thank you, Ashley, for such important work in educating parents on how to navigate social media with our teens. It is such a timely and needed resource. With a focus on working WITH our teens, you have presented a great plan of action for parents to initiate the conversation with teens and to effectively handle the social media challenges. Your material is easily understood, and the action plan you present is achievable. Thank you for helping us parents care for our teens.
- Maria C (mom of teen boy)
How will your relationship with your teen change if you can set social media boundaries together?
Frequently Asked Questions

What if I don’t have time to watch the videos and complete the worksheets?You have lifetime guaranteed access to the program which means you can consume the materials at any time and as often as you want. If you need to take a break at any point, you can always pick it up when you need too. The course is accessible on your phone through a web browser so you can listen to the videos whenever you want.
What if I don't have the money to pay for the course?I totally get that making an invest like this might not be something you are use too. That's why I am offering a payment plan option. In addition, an average parent sending their teen to weekly therapy with me would be $9,000 a year. Spoken as a therapist, I can tell you that the teen coming to therapy is only going to go so far if the parent isn't also willing to do the work as well. I wish more of the parents of my clients started off with taking my $249 course that would have sped the process, solidified long lasting results, and saved them time and money in the long run. The Connected Parent is one of the more economical ways to start changing your relationship with information that actually works.
Wouldn't it be better for me to work with you privately versus take the course?Working with someone privately can be really powerful. I require all my private clients to go through this course first because it is super important to have this foundational knowledge. This course will provide a good base line to getting you prepared to take the next step to working with me or someone else privately.